NorthQuest 200 (HPMA) – NQ200

Safety Data Sheet: NorthQuest 200 SDS

Technical Data Sheet: NorthQuest 200 TDS

CAS: 26099-09-2

Comparable to: Belclene 200; Buckman BSI-97, Mayoquest 3000, Optidose 4210

SKU: N/A Category:


NorthQuest 200 (Homopolymer of Maleic Acid or HPMA), is a 50% aqueous solution of polymaleic acid. It is a low-cost alternative to products like Belclene 200, Buckman BSI-97 and Mayoquest 3000 for inhibiting calcium carbonate scale in industrial water  treatment systems.

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150# deldrum, 50# carboy, Small Pack-Bucket, 2646# tote, 529# drum